Say you’re a new business, and you’re setting up your first trade show booth. Which of these mishaps would be covered by your standard business liability insurance?
- Someone steals your laptop from the booth
- Someone breaks an ankle tripping over your cables
- You accidentally smash one of the event center’s light fixtures
- The flash drives you give away infect someone’s laptop with a virus
If you thought your insurance would cover all of the above, you’d be in for a shock, because only #1 would be covered. To protect yourself against claims related to the other three, you’d need trade show exhibitor insurance—if it’s not already covered by the organization putting on the trade show. It usually isn’t. Check your exhibitor’s manual.
What is protected by vendor liability insurance coverage?
You might think the kind of mishaps described above would be flukes—and you’d be right. But fluky accidents happen from time to time, and the after-effects can be costly.
Vendor’s coverage—also known as vendor’s liability insurance—protects you against claims and lawsuits that can result from your participation in a public event. If you’re sued for bodily injury or property damage, the policy will cover your defense costs and settle any claims up to the limit you purchase.

Examples of events where you’d need vendor’s coverage
- Trade shows
- Conventions
- Fairs and festivals
- Temporary exhibits
- Flea markets
- Food vendors (non-alcoholic)
- Craft vendors
In fact, most promoters and event centers require their vendors to carry vendor’s coverage—and many ask to be named as an “additional insured” on the policy. That way, both you and the event host are covered.
Any business who participates in public events…
… needs event insurance for vendors, even if you’re not technically “vending” anything. Just having a booth or exhibit at an event creates a liability risk, and you need to be covered, whether you’re selling products or not.

However, if you are selling your wares—or concessions, or non-alcoholic refreshments—food vendor’s insurance protects you against any claims resulting from those sales.
Remember: The only events where you wouldn’t need vendor’s coverage are those where the event itself insures all its vendors. Most events don’t—and they’ll be sure to let you know it!
At Anthony Insurance Services, we issue vendor’s coverage for almost any type of business at a public event, but there are vendors we do not cover, including:
- Tattooing, body piercing and face painting
- Weight loss and nutritional supplements
- Weaponry and fireworks
- Alcoholic beverages
We may be able to put together a special package for you if your business is on this list. Please call us at 877-811-2271, or send us an email, to make sure your business is eligible.
How do you obtain vendor’s coverage?
With Anthony Insurance, it’s easy—just fill out the online application, and we’ll get you started.
Vendor’s coverage is very affordable. For an individual vendor, $1 million of liability coverage costs just $60 for a five-day event. If you work several events a year, one year’s coverage is just $360. Higher liability levels are available, and rates are even lower for group vendors (those interested in group vendor insurance need to call us to get a quote).
Finally, if you’re staging an event, you’ll need another level of coverage—and we can help! Please call us at 877-811-2271, and we’ll answer all your questions.
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