Young Football Player

9 Safety Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries

No coach wants a team member to be sidelined by a sports  injury–whether it’s to a player’s body (ouch!) or  to the club’s corporate body because of liability (also ouch). Protecting everyone at your facility from an injury that could have been prevented is not only important to win, it’s a responsibility. Sometimes accidents are unavoidable, but here are some fast facts and important tips that can help any facility, coach, or would-be sports star reduce the number and extent of  acute and chronic injuries. Acute injuries have symptoms that include:...

Bake Sale Cookies

10 Easy and Fun Sports Club Fundraising Ideas

Planning a big trip for the team? Sick of your old sports club fundraising ideas? Want to raise more money without more work? Managing sports teams is difficult enough, and then there’s the cost of equipment, the venue or member amenities. Travel teams usually have more associated costs and may have more sports club fundraising needs, such as bus fares. We compiled a list of ten easy and fun fundraising ideas. When faced with multiple donation-seeking activities, your donors will appreciate your fundraising activity if it is fast, easy and short. Everyone is time-constrained; keep that...